Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Liebster Blog Award

Liebster Blog Award

The Rules, Should You Be Nominated:
1. If you were nominated, post 11 things about yourself.
2. Then answer the 11 questions that the person who nominated you created.
3. Create 11 more questions to ask the bloggers you decided to nominate.
4. Choose 11 bloggers to nominate with less than 200 followers.
5. Make sure and let those people know you nominated them!
*No tag backs, so don't nominate someone who nominated you.

PART 1: 11 Things About Myself
  1. I love God with all my heart!
  2. My sweet little family is my absolute favorite thing.
  3. I love to help people.  
  4. I like to read...especially on my Kindle.  
  5. I love to run...when I have the time.  
  6. I only have one addiction.  White rice.  I so wish I could beat this addiction.....GRRR!
  7. I was born in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirites which is coincidentally the same place Garfield used to send his annoying cousin Nermal. ;) 
  8. I can quilt.  I also wish I had more time to do this.  
  9. I love to teach science!
  10. I met Arnold Schwarzenegger once.  
  11.  And.......I can play the recorder with my nose.....tee hee.
PART 2:  Answers to the 11 questions from the person who nominated me.

1. What are 3 things you love about your life?
The Church, My family and Nature
2. Why did you start blogging and why do you still?
I started blogging to keep a journal of our homeschooling experience.  I keep it up not for the Internet world but so that one day my girls can look back and remember all the fun we had learning.  
3. What's your favorite book (or author), song (or artist), TV show, and movie?
Book: The Hunger Games Series, Song: Lights by Ellie Goulding, TV show: right is a tie between Downton Abby and Elementary, Movie: It will always be Gone With the Wind
4. What are your biggest pet peeves?
Obnoxiously slow drivers, smacking gum, leaving laundry in front of the clothes hamper on the floor...grrrr
5. What is your favorite meal that you make? Provide the recipe please.
Tumeric chicken.  We discovered this not too long ago when we did a study on India.  We always try to eat something from the countries we study.  We found this Tumeric Chicken recipe online and LOVE it with some Jasmine rice and/or Naan.  I try to make it at least twice a month.
6. What's your favorite pastime?
Gardening.  Although you would not know it if you saw my yard.  (Taking care of kids is like the black hole of energy.  I honestly do not know how moms with 3+ kids function.  I only have two!!)  Gardening is so relaxing (unless its dealing with weeds!) and the reward you get from seeing something grow is unexplainable.  
7. If your life were made into a movie, who would you want to play you? And for fun, who would play your husband?
Well, I have been told I look like Sara Michelle Geller and Phoebe from Friends.  So I guess either one....does not matter to me.  And people have always said my husband looks like Freddie Prinze Jr.  So I guess he would do for my husband.  But life is not nearly that interesting...ha!  
8. What are you looking forward to most this year?
I am looking forward to really getting into homeschooling.  My little school girl will be Kindergarten age this fall!  
9. What word would you use to describe your personal style?
Casual with a little bit of something special. 
10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I don't know what you would call it but the same power that Bewitched lady had.  I would love to be able to twitch my nose and have dishes washed or supper cooked or laundry folded.  That would be awesome!!
11. What is/are your favorite scripture(s)?
This is a hard one....I have so many that bring me comfort and peace at different times in my life.  But I guess Matthew 22:37-39 would have to be a favorite to sum up what being a Christian means to me.... Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

PART 3:  Questions for my nominees to answer

First, my nominees.  I do not know 11 bloggers.  So here are the ones I do know and follow and a little about them:

Kristen Turner at Titus 2 Work In Progress 
This girl!  I can not say enough about this girl!  We met I guess about the time I was preggo with my first child who is now 4.  She and her husband moved to the middle of no where away from their families and everything they knew and were comfortable with to do important work for God.  Her husband works with Spanish Missions and she is an all-around super mom with three sweet babies.  She homeschools, takes care of her family, teaches Bible classes and much, much more.  She really is a beautiful Christian lady inside and out and I could not be more blessed with a sweeter friend.  The Lord knew I needed someone like her in my life to inspire me to be more.  Her blog is all about her family and life, with a touch of crafting and homeschooling.  You should check it out!

Amy Leblanc at Organized Chaos
This is such a sweet family!  I have actually known Amy and her family since I was in college.  Her mom....amazing, her funny and kind.  Her sisters (which she has a bunch) beautiful and sweet like Amy.   Although I have known Amy for a while, I feel I am just now really getting to know her through the book club she started.  I LOVE BOOK CLUB!  She truly is an amazing woman.  She has two beautiful children and I really enjoy keeping up with them through her blog.  

Anna Zeigler at AZeigler Dailies
I consider Anna to be a "new friend."  We just met recently this past year through book club.  What I like most about Anna is the fact that she can read a book and then deduce the most interesting conversations.  I read a book and then I'm like "That was good."  Anna's blog really is very interesting and I enjoy reading it although most of it seems over my head at  She really likes to talk about politics which is not one of my I am really learning a lot!!  I look forward to getting to know her more through her blog and book club.  :) 

Stacy Gibbs at The Fancy Fritter
Stacy's older sister and I were actually really good friends in high school.  I can not say I know Stacy all that well but I can tell you that I know (through her blog and FB) that she is one of those awesome super moms who can do it all!!  This girl has two beautiful children (one of which I believe she homeschools) and still manages to sew for her children, run a successful etsy shop, teach sewing classes and more.  You should really take a few minutes to go visit her blog and her etsy shop.  This girl's got talent!!

Tonya Smith at Counting Down Again
I also consider Tonya to be a "new friend."  I just love making new friends!!  Tonya really is amazing.  She is one of those people whose heart is so big and loving. We met this past summer when our girls took a summer ballet class together.  Actually, that is not 100% true.  We first met briefly on a carousel at the mall. One day whilst at the mall, my little girl, who could make a friend in two seconds, starting talking to the cutest little Asian girl on the horse beside her like they had been best friends forever.  I smiled at the mom and made some comment like "She loves to talk."  Then a week or so later we ran into them again at ballet! God sure has interesting ways of bringing people into your life sometimes.  Tonya's daughter and my daughter are still taking ballet together and they are really becoming great friends!  Tonya and her husband adopted their sweet daughter from China and are now in the process of adopting a sweet baby boy also from China!!  Her blog follows their adoption journey.  I just love adopting stories!  

Lauren Bookout at Day by Day
Yet another "new friend."  Lauren and her husband recently moved to the great state of Louisiana to join a neighboring congregation.  Her husband is the new minister there.  I recently met Lauren at one of our book club meetings and I instantly liked her.  Why?  Because we both have love for British dramas....especially Downton Abby!!  Ha!  But seriously, I have read her blog and heard nothing but good things about her through friends.  She is a very well written person and I have really enjoyed reading her blog.  I really look forward to becoming closer friends with her and reading her blog.  

Now, nominees....your questions to answer!  (I liked the ones so much from the person who nominated me that I just used hers!)  
  1. What are 3 things you love about your life?
  2. Why did you start blogging and why do you still?
  3. What's your favorite book (or author), song (or artist), TV show, and movie?  
  4. What are your biggest pet peeves?
  5. What is your favorite meal that you make? Provide the recipe please.
  6. What's your favorite pastime?
  7. If your life were made into a movie, who would you want to play you? And for fun, who would play your husband?
  8. What are you looking forward to most this year?
  9. What word would you use to describe your personal style?
  10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
  11. What is/are your favorite scripture(s)?
Congrats Nominees!!  And I look forward to continuing to follow your blog and learn more about the blogs you follow!  


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